Thursday, December 29, 2011


Hi folks,
Thanks to y'all, THE BITCH is now in second place in the P&E Awards! Keep it going, please! Ask your friends if they'd help if you don't mind. We're really, really close! Don't know how to tell how we're doing in the Spinetingler Awards but think we're doing okay.

Here are the links again:

And, for those who haven’t had a chance to buy the book and want to, go here:

  Some have said they didn't know where to vote on the Spinetingler site. Just click on the link on the lead article and then go to Legends in the thriller category. I'm a legend since I've had more than 8 books published. This is flat-out amazing, as all the other books have been out for a long time and mine less than a week. That means it's YOU FOLKS who are making this happen! I love ya and am having you all over to my place for drinks if we win!

Thank you!

Blue skies,


The Cat Bastet said...

Congrats! I just bought my copy. :)

Cathy AJ

Les Edgerton said...

Thank you, Cathy! Hope you enjoy. I just woke up and when I went to bed it was in second place in the P&E competition and just looked and... WE'RE IN FIRST PLACE!

Thanks to everyone who voted! Don't know if it will end that way as voting continues, but right now I can't begin to describe how great I feel. It's because of the great people on here!