Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Hi folks,

I wanted to share some stuff with you about my brothers and sisters inside the walls. If you can help spread awareness of this, please do. It's a great program.

Do you work at a community or public radio station? Does a friend? April is National Poetry Month and we think the Prison Poetry Workshop radio series should be broadcast into homes and prison cells across the country.  
The Prison Poetry Workshop
Sit in any prison classroom or recreation room and ask: How many writers are in the room? How many people are writing rhymes or poems? Carefully-folded pieces of paper come out of pockets – words written in tightly stylized handwriting. As we listen to these poems we realize they hold a deep significance to our understanding of American culture and its tradition of democratic arts.
Prison Poetry Workshop is a public radio show hosted by journalist Rend Smith, and travels across the country exploring the rich history and stories connected to the prison poetry literary form.
To access the full series on PRX: http://www.prx.org/series/33451-prison-poetry-workshop
If you’re not on prx.org, you can download episodes at this link: http://prisonpoetryworkshop.org/episodes/ or contact us directly(nick@workingnarratives.org) for help..
Don’t have time for the full series? We suggest airing our one-hour Marquee production: https://beta.prx.org/stories/109950
Want to bring prison poets to your station, but don’t have a full hour of airtime?

We’ve got you covered with our Prison Poetry Workshop podcast series (great for drop-in content), which you can find here
https://beta.prx.org/series/33472 and here http://prisonpoetryworkshop.org/listen/
Contact Nick Szuberla for more information: nick@workingnarratives.org

Learn more about the series at www.prisonpoetryworkshop.org.

Blue skies,

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